
9 reasons why you don't speak English yet

1. Lack/uncertainty of importance
You will be more motivated to complete a task you consider important. Other tasks that have no clear goals will have a lower priority. Don’t spend your energy on unimportant and uncertain things. Define the task and its role in your life, leave on the list only the ones you care about.
2. Difficulty

The more difficult a learning goal is to reach, the more likely you will make excuses and come up with reasons to drop it. The task shouldn’t be too easy or too hard. Adjust the level of difficulty. Talk to your teacher, express your wishes and concerns.
3. Stress

Many people are afraid of acknowledging any kind of stress, so they’d rather avoid working under it or accomplish stress-free tasks. If there is something that puts too much pressure on you while studying, make sure to speak it up to your teacher. Together, think of solutions and get rid of everything that makes you uncomfortable.
4. Doubts

Doubts about your own ability to reach your goal will affect your motivation to perform. It is much easier to study knowing that you are able to reach the final point. Thus, define what the final point is. The examples might be: travelling to an English-speaking country without a tour guide, reading a whole book in English, making a public speech.
5. Lack of control.
You are willing to learn something that you know you will be able to control and use. However, studying something that you cannot use in your real-life makes the process much harder. You have to understand why you are doing it, what the benefits are, and how you will use it.
6. Bad experience

You may have developed a negative attitude regarding a learning goal because of negative previous experiences with similar goals. One of the most common examples of this is people who have “math anxiety”. Bad explanations, indifferent and unmotivated teachers, missed classes or low grades have affected millions of people to hate mathematics.
7. Lack of support

A real motivation killer can be the lack of enthusiasm and support for your learning from people around you. Worse yet is when others actively underestimate your learning goal (e.g., “That’s a pointless thing to learn!”, “Do you even need it?”). Surround yourself with people who DO care.
8. Struggles

Sometimes learning can create several struggles in your life: higher expectations, more work, and less leisure time are just some examples. The motivation will definitely reduce if you encounter the causes mentioned above. So, try to avoid them!

9. Lack of advantages.
You usually learn something because it will make you more effective in what you do or move you towards a bigger goal you want to reach. If you cannot see how a learning task will improve your performance or lead to bigger goals, you will probably be less motivated to learn. Prior to starting, make a list of advantages. Monitor it as you progress through studies. Ask your teacher to keep track of your accomplishments.
Each of the above obstacles can interact with others, which makes it difficult to deal with any of them in isolation. Prioritize your learning goals from “easy to achieve” to “hard to achieve”;Set real goals.Crush your big objectives into small ones. Good luck!

Uncertainty – неопределенность
Lack of – отсутствие
Consider – рассматривать
Define – определять
Make excuses – придумывать отмазки
Come up with – придумывать
To drop sth – бросить что-то
Acknowledge – признавать
Accomplish – выполнять, достигать
Get rid of – избавляться
Stress-free – без стресса
Doubts – сомнения
Thus – таким образом
Previous – предыдущий
Indifferent – безразличный
Underestimate – недооценивать
Surround – окружать
Reduce – уменьшить
Encounter – сталкиваться
Move towards – двигаться вперед
To keep track of – следить за
To deal with – иметь дело с
2020-04-03 15:05